JH X CPAG Partnership

Child Poverty Action Group (CPAG) is an independent charity working to eliminate child poverty in Aotearoa New Zealand so that all children can thrive. CPAG is committed to ensuring all children in New Zealand have the chance to flourish.

Their work produces research on the causes and effects of poverty on children and their whānau and families, and use this to inform public discussion and promote evidence-based responses.

Their activities and decisions seek to honour the principles of Te Tiriti O Waitangi and are underpinned by the values encapsulated in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.



Juliette Hogan is proud to align with CPAG New Zealand, with an annual donation goal of $10,000 as well as commitment to help raise awareness for this important organisation.

Discover more about CPAG and how we are supporting this important cause.

He kai tahu me kikini, he kai tahu me tīhore, mā te tamaiti ti iho


Our vision is an Aotearoa where all children flourish free from Poverty

CPAG's Vision

From Juliette.

"I believe that children are both our most vulnerable and our most deserving of equity of opportunity and care, and that child poverty in New Zealand is one of our most important issues today."

We are so proud to have aligned with CPAG to do what we can to support the important work that they do. CPAG’s vision resonately strongly with Juliette and the JH community.

I am grateful for my upbringing full of resources that led me to develop a worldview where I grew up believing anything was possible for me. With two socially conscious parents, I began to realise that this was not a reality for everyone. My parents have been amazing role models to me and I hope in my own way, I too can help to support positive change.

x Juliette


CPAG X JH Bloomers

Introducing CPAG x JH Baby Bloomers.

Our bloomers are created from end-of-line fabrics, helping us utlise left over fabrics from previous collections or sampling.

The full price of the Baby Bloomers is donated directly to CPAG.


You can still show your support for CPAG starting with a donation from as little as $5 (either one off or on-going), or sign-up to become a member to be kept informed about the important work they are doing to make long-lasting changes for tamariki in New Zealand.


Show your support for CPAG here >

Other CPAG Initiatives.

Supporting CPAG on BLack friday

In lieu of discounting, in 2020 and 2022 we donated 15% of all full prices sales to CPAG.


Education on the work CPAG does is embedded within our retail certification program, ensuring our retail team are knowledgeable about their work when speaking to our customers.

In 2021, Caitlin + Laura from the CPAG team met the JH team at our Head Office to educate, promote and raise awareness for their work. It was both humbling and inspiring for the team to get a deeper understanding of the real challenges children in New Zealand are facing growing up in poverty.

JH Facemasks

$10 of the sale price of all JH Facemasks are donated to CPAG.


A silent auction via Instagram of an original commisioned artwork 'Expresssion Silk' from NZ artist Helen Dean with 100% of the sale price donated to CPAG.


  • FY2021 $12,316
  • FY2022 $21,970
  • FY2023 $10,005
  • FY2024 $7,210