How to: Classic Cheese Balls

I have been obsessed with making these classic cheese balls to sit alongside my homemade crackers.

I made them for our team Christmas party and thought I would show you, me making them. Watch the video below and then get ready to make them for your upcoming celebrations and family gatherings with the recipe underneath.



Herb Version

- Handful of Dill
- Handful of Italian parsley
- 1/2 cup cornichons
- 1 tsp Dijon mustard
- 1 Cup tasty cheese
- 250g Cream cheese
1) Finely chop herbs
2) Place Cream cheese in a bowl and mix to soften
3) Add Tasty Cheese into the bowl, mix well
4) Add Dijon Mustard, Herbs and Cornichons. Mix thoroughly 
5) Place mixture in Cling Wrap to make ball shape.
6) Unwrap and serve with Homemade Crackers

Walnut Version:

- Handful of walnuts
- Tbsp Worcester sauce
- 1 Cup Tasty cheese
- 250g cream cheese
- Curry powder to dust
1) Finely chop Walnuts
2) Place Cream cheese in a bowl and mix to soften
3) Add Tasty Cheese and Worcester Sauce into the bowl, mix well
5) Place mixture in cling wrap to make ball shape.
6) Remove ball from cling wrap and roll in a plate of Curry Powder. Note: This part can be quite messy, i recommend not wearing white!
6) Serve with Homemade Crackers

Tip: These Cheese Balls are super easy to prepare early, pop in the fridge (in their cling wrap), and bring them out just before your guests arrive


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