JH Intern Q+A | Karen

With the long term sustainability of the NZ Fashion Industry in mind and providing opportunity to up and coming talent, at JH we are proud to offer an intensive two week paid internship program to individuals who have a passion for working within our industry.

The program involves going behind-the-scenes, and getting an insight into the departments and people who contribute to the success of the Juliette Hogan brand.

We chatted to Karen, our most recent intern, about her experience and thoughts on her time in the program. 




Tell us 3 interesting facts about yourself.

I love working with any creative medium but fashion has always been something that made my heart race. I’ve lived in Auckland my entire life and I thoroughly enjoy going to the gym.  


What are you currently studying?

Currently, I am in my second year of the Bachelor of Sustainable Fashion Design at Whitecliffe. It is a dream degree for me. 


Why did you want to apply for the paid internship program with Juliette Hogan and what were you hoping to gain?

I was drawn to this programme because this internship provides a unique opportunity to see how a successful, luxurious fashion brand operates in New Zealand. Juliette Hogan does this by navigating and committing to sustainable practices, which I am passionate about learning. I have always admired and looked up to Juliette Hogan and so applying for this internship and gaining hands-on experience from Juliette and her team of industry professionals was a no-brainer.

For this internship, I really looked forward to seeing how a fashion house operated and how Juliette designs her upcoming collections.


What is the most interesting thing you have learnt during your time at Juliette Hogan, and any new skills, techniques or knowledge?

The most interesting thing I learnt while at Juliette Hogan was seeing and understanding the thought processes and strategies behind producing a collection. Being able to experience the precision and detail required for garment construction and the cost of goods in order to produce locally was very eye opening too. 


Were there any surprises during your experience?

Definitely how busy the workroom gets. I was amazed with the amount of projects the Juliette Hogan team was working on all at once. I really loved how organised, passionate and confident the team was with juggling all the different tasks. Nonetheless, I’m really grateful I had the opportunity to help out with the many projects the Juliette Hogan team was working on. 


Would you recommend this internship to other students? Why or why not?

Yes! This internship provided a really immersive experience of how a successful sustainable fashion brand is operated. The Juliette Hogan team is incredibly kind and passionate, so it was awesome to have the opportunity to ask them questions during their role overviews or when curiosity spikes. 


How has this internship helped you for your future studies and career?

Prior to this internship, I didn't know what role I wanted to pursue in the fashion industry. However, after my experience at Juliette Hogan, it has provided insight to roles I’d love to pursue in the fashion industry later on. My internship experience at Juliette Hogan has also shifted my perspective of how the fashion industry is operated in New Zealand. From the conversation I had with Juliette, and being able to see her care, support and passion for the New Zealand fashion industry has really inspired me to be a part of the future industry's expansion and change. 


What is your advice for future JH interns?

Have fun! The two week internship at Juliette Hogan goes by very fast. It's definitely an experience you’ll cherish, so be prepared with questions to fully immerse yourself in the space! Soak up every minute there because by the time the internship finishes, you won't want to leave.




Applications are currently open for our next JH Short-term Paid Internship, starting 19 February 2024. If you are interested in the program and would like to find out more or apply, please click here. Applications close at the end of September.

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